Join Munchkin Mayors Tracy Ruark and Dayle Timmons and Elizabeth Conte as they walk on the yellow brick road for an "oz-some" adventure through the wonderful Land of Oz!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Spring Break from Hendersonville NC
I know it's only our third day into spring break but I told you guys I would keep you updated on what the Ruark clan is up to on Spring Break. We are at our cabin in Hendersonville, North Carolina. As you can see from the pictures we have had one good sunset. That picture was taken off the back porch of our cabin. As for the others...well we have been relaxing and sleeping a lot. It has been pretty cold up here. The temperatures have been in the 30's so we have had a fire every day. As you can see our pugs Kiska and Snuffles are the laziest dogs in the world. Kiska likes to sit on Mr. Ruark's lap as he does his 900 situps everyday. They love laying in front of the fire and napping with us.
Well, I have to go for now but stay tuned for more updates. See you all on April 4th. Enjoy your break!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Kevin Henkes Day Celebration!
The RTR's celebrated Kevin Henkes Day on Friday in style. We played Kevin Henkes bingo, made purple purses, ties and sunglasses, watched Owen, Chrysanthemum and A Weekend with Wendell while we ate cheesy snacks. The mice cookies we made with icing were simply scrumptious. We ended our day with readers theater as the children acted out the many books of Kevin Henkes. In the words of one student "This is the best day ever!"
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Shared Reading and Readers' Theatre
The children have been practicing individual parts in plays, called Readers' Theatre. They have also been practicing group parts, called shared reading. Shared reading is reading that is done chorally or together. Reading together helps support readers who are having difficulty and helps all children learn to read with more expression. Listen as the children practice this type of choral reading of a Kevin Henkes Readers' Theatre script!
Untitled from dayle timmons on Vimeo.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
In the Computer Lab
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Readers' Theatre
This past week we have been practicing Readers' Theatre! Readers' Theatre is a lot like reading a play except the actors don't have to memorize their lines or move around on the stage. Instead they stand in a straight line and read their part from a script. The purpose of Readers' Theatre is to practice reading like you are talking. Students practice reading fluently with expression. On Friday the groups that had been practicing in small groups all week, presented their Kevin Henkes story to the group. Next week the children will be reading new Kevin Henkes stories in new Readers' Theatre groups!

Weekend With Wendell

Sheila Rae, the Brave

Weekend With Wendell

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Apple Batter

Mrs. Phillips' Reads to First Grade from Melanie Holtsman on Vimeo.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Puppet Project
Monday, March 7, 2011
Zoo Celebration!
We had a wonderful time at the zoo today. The weather was perfect! We started at the Education Center and learned about life cycles, which was the perfect opening for our next Science unit. We learned that a corn snake is named for its markings like Indian corn. We learned that most snakes are helpful as they kill rats and mice. We even got to feel the snake and learned that it is smooth and not slimy. We saw a small owl that had been rescued after its wing was hurt and part of the wing had to be amputated. We learned that the owl was nocturnal but since living at the zoo he had adapted and mostly sleeps at night now. Both the snake and owl, along with butterflies and frogs all lay eggs. Then we got to feel the soft fur of a chinchilla and learned that it is a mammal and its babies are born live. We heard about animals that look like their parents and animals that don't. This is just the beginning of our new Science unit.
Before we knew it, it was time for a quick lunch and then a stroll through the zoo. We saw elephants and rhinos and even watched as the giraffes were fed. We saw baby giraffes and a zebra that was only a few weeks old, born on February 26. We caught one of the zoo helpers at the gorilla exhibit and were able to ask questions about the silver backs. We learned that gorillas cannot swim and that one had drowned at the zoo about eight years ago. We watched the monkeys and saw birds of all sorts. We didn't make it to the end of the zoo and Parker was very disappointed that we missed the kimono dragon at the far end, but that's just more to see on another day!
Before we knew it, it was time for a quick lunch and then a stroll through the zoo. We saw elephants and rhinos and even watched as the giraffes were fed. We saw baby giraffes and a zebra that was only a few weeks old, born on February 26. We caught one of the zoo helpers at the gorilla exhibit and were able to ask questions about the silver backs. We learned that gorillas cannot swim and that one had drowned at the zoo about eight years ago. We watched the monkeys and saw birds of all sorts. We didn't make it to the end of the zoo and Parker was very disappointed that we missed the kimono dragon at the far end, but that's just more to see on another day!
Sunday, March 6, 2011

This is the time to step up and be counted - to advocate for those that have no voice of their own. We are asking you to use your voice to advocate for every child in our community. Now more than ever, our school system needs a funding source that they can count on. We cannot afford any more unfunded legislative mandates - things we are required to do but get no funds! We know that the State of Florida is facing an overwhelming budget shortfall; however, we need education to be funded FIRST so that we are investing in our future. If we really believe that our children are our future, then we need to make sure that our voice is heard. With just a few minutes of your time, you can ensure that our legislators know that public education is important. If you are unsure which of the legislators is a representative of your area, you can logon to There is a small box at the bottom right of the page that you can use by typing in your zip code to get a list of your respective legislators. Each call, letter or e-mail to our legislators counts! I have e-mailed my legislator. It's time for you to do the same. Our united effort will send a strong message throughout our community and our state and to our elected officials that we value public education. Take the time. Make a difference and let your child know that it is all of love of a very special child!
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