Saturday, May 16, 2015

Barnes and Noble Summer Reading

We always love a visit from Miss KK, our Media Specialist.  Today she visited to tell us about a special opportunity from the book store, Barnes and Noble.  Each child received a paper booklet that they took home on Friday.  Beginning today, make sure that your child lists each of the books that they read on the booklet and when they have read 8 books, they can receive a FREE book from Barnes and Noble! They just take their list to the counter and then they get to select the book that they want from a list of very popular 1st and 2nd grade books!  How exciting is that!

Miss KK also challenged each child to have a library card this summer.  Our nearest Public Library is so-o-o-o close - right up the street on Beach Boulevard.  Any child that brings a library card to school and shows it to us, will be allowed to get a treat from our Treasure Box, so whether your child already has a library card or goes to get one for the summer, remember to bring it to class to share.  We'll send it right back home.  Remember, a library card is FREE! What a great was to get 8 books to read for the Barnes and Noble prize!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading and seeing this blog. It makes me happy that their are still some teachers that allow students to do fun activities instead of jut sitting down and doing book work. I know that it really helps students learn better if they are able to get up and do stuff instead of just being stuck in a sit all day. Rewarding the students is an amazing idea. When they do good things it is good for them to get rewarding for good behavior. If my children were still young enough i would of loved them to go to this school.
